全书分为两部分,共十章。第一部分(第一章)为电影艺术与鉴赏,简要介绍电影艺术及如何进行电影鉴赏。第二部分(第二章至第十章)为英语电影经典作品赏析。该部分选取9个具有代表性的电影主题,即:人与社会、校园生活、浪漫与爱情、二战与犹太人大屠杀、名人传记、战争和人性、科幻奇想、动画世界、歌舞片。每个主题精选三部不同时代电影代表作品进行电影评述和分析(共计27部电影作品)。 此外,每部作品精选电影经典台词(英汉对照)供英语学习者欣赏与学习。
Chapter 1 Film Art and Film Appreciation
Chapter 2 Man and Society
Film Focus
1Forrest Gump
2The Shawshank Redemption
312 Years a Slave
Chapter 3 Campus Life
Film Focus
1MrHolland’s Opus
2Dead Poets Society
3Good Will Hunting
Chapter 4 Love and Romance
Film Focus
3Shakespeare in Love
Chapter 5 World War II and the Holocaust
Film Focus
1Schindler’s List
2The Pianist
3Life is Beautiful
Chapter 6 Biopics
Film Focus
2Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
3The Lady
Chapter 7 War and Humanity
Film Focus
1Gone with the Wind
2Saving Private Ryan
3Hacksaw Ridge
Chapter 8 Science Fiction and Fantasy
Film Focus
2The Life of Pie
3Alice in Wonderland
Chapter 9 The World of Animation
Film Focus
1The Lion King
Chapter 10 Musical
Film Focus
1The Sound of Music
3La La Land
4电影作品分析(Film Review)是本书的重点。作品分析除了对电影的剧情进行较为详细介绍外,还结合不同电影题材和内容,有选择性地分析电影其他方面,如电影主题思想,导演创作背景、创作意图,电影艺术风格,电影叙事方式,电影的时代性、文化性、民族性,电影带来的社会影响力或争议,电影评论家或电影观众对影片的反应等内容,分析以求全面;
5电影作品分析之后精心设计的“讨论问题(Questions for Discussion)”更侧重电影的整体理解(Global Understanding)。该部分不仅考查学习者对电影作品的整体理解能力,而且为学习者更好地解读电影起到引导作用;
本书在编写过程中参考了国内外部分相关著作以及国内外相关网站,特别是“互联网电影数据库(Internet Movie Database)”“维基百科(Wikipedia)”及网站中“外部链接”相关内容。由于选材较广,网络资源来源较复杂,如有疏漏还望谅解,并在此向相关作者谨表谢意。
2018年7月于青岛<<<Chapter 1Film Art and Film AppreciationChapter 1
Film Art and Film Appreciation电影艺术与鉴赏1 Film and Film Appreciation
Film is an art
What is a film? Film can be understood from different perspectives:
A film, a movie or motion picture, is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images A film is created by photographing actual scenes with a motion picture camera, by photographing drawings or miniature (模型布景) models using traditional animation techniques, by means of computergenerated imagery and computer animation, or by a combination of some or all of these techniques and other visual effects Contemporary definition of film is the art of simulating (模仿) experiences that communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty or atmosphere by the means of recorded or programmed moving images along with other sensory stimulations
Film, one of the most influential mass media, is called the seventh art It merges all the other six forms of art: literature, painting, sculpture, music, architecture, drama, and adopts the technical achievements in natural science and applied science like acoustics (声学), optics (光学), electronics, mechanics, computer, etc; hence it has grown in a short while into a comprehensively expressive and significantly popular art form
Film is an audiovisual art It creates images, narrates stories, expresses feelings, states philosophy and attracts the audience by its sounds, colors and moving pictures, especially the latter Owing to this sensuous (感官的) nature, the audience is compelled (强迫) to accept certain roles or implied meanings, and is even controlled by the information the film conveys
Seeing a film or appreciating a film
Most people go to the cinema, enjoy the movie, and consciously or unconsciously absorb something that the director intends to impress on the audiences mind This group, we say, “see” the film It is quite different to “appreciate” a film, to have insight into the infinite content of the finite form An appreciator has to go through perceiving and comprehending processes, which then lead to emotionally and associatively thinking activity Film appreciation is a sort of reprocessing of artistic works, a sort of recreation Its a further involvement and exploration of aesthetic (审美的) activity
The seers and the appreciators have different ways of accepting film A seer is content with his or her perception (直觉), while an appreciator is trying to explore the more profound artistic and social value by interpreting the information, the association, the symbols and metaphors (隐喻,暗喻)
There are both emotional satisfactions but of different natures The pleasure of seeing a film comes from the seers emotional activities evoked (唤起) by the plot, and that of appreciating a film results from the appreciators managing to discover the mystery of the film, and the subsequent sense of success, that is, a sort of selfvalue affirmation (断言,肯定)
There are different levels of film knowledge A seer is content with the pleasure realized when he or she enjoys the film, but an appreciator is not When he or she takes a film as an artistic object, he or she means to go beyond the film itself, by commanding his rational (理性的) knowledge rather than perceptual (感性的) knowledge
An appreciator must be a seer first Normally before seeing a film, most people are totally ignorant about the plot, the characters, and the cast But after going to the cinema, they are quite taken with the pleasure of seeing the film, obsessed with the directors inventions in telling the story They have lost their own thinking by completely accepting the surface information the film conveys But a few seers are not content with remaining at this stage, so they manage to consult reference materials of all perspectives to learn the film synopsis (剧情介绍) and background, to know the filmmaking staff (playwright, director, cameraman, actor or actress) and their style, to grasp film knowledge like montage (剪辑画面,蒙太奇) etc Thus, some seers have become appreciators
Then, an appreciator will make selective use of the film, extracting the part, or element that needs further comprehension, and make an analysis This is the process by which the appreciator can sort out all the information and relationships; beyond that, he or she can also rearrange and synthesize (综合处理) the information All this calls for the appreciator absorbing new knowledge, theory, life experiences and being artistically accomplished, so that the film can be appreciated from more comprehensive and profound points of view
Last, an appreciator will go over the film which is truly worthy of better study This is quite different from seeing a film again because of its attractive plot The appreciator adopts the plot, the characters, the pictures embodying (体现) the directors ideas, but is not controlled by all these The film reviewing for the purpose of appreciation is actually a further involvement, a better assimilation (吸收,同化), a more subtle understanding It can really be a learning process……