作者姓名: 陈奔
出版社: 吉林人民出版社
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陈 奔 福建长汀人,厦门大学副教授,硕士生导师。华东师范大学英语语言文学硕士,厦门大学世界史(美国史方向)博士。中华美国学会中美关系史研究会会员和中国美国史研究会会员。
George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
John Quincy Adams
Andrew Jackson
Martin Van Buren
William Henry Harrison
John Tyler
James Knox Polk
Zarchary Taylor
Millard Fillmore
Franklin Pierce
James Buchanan
Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Johnson
Ulysses S Grant
Rutherford B Hayes
James A Garfield
Chester A Arthur
Grover Cleveland
Benjamin Harrison
William McKinley
Theodore Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Woodrow Wilson
Warren Gamaliel Harding
John Calvin Coolidge
Herbert Clark Hoover
1 George Washington(1789—1797)
Part One: Washingtons Early Life
George Washington was born on Feb 22, 1732, at the family estate on the south bank of the Potomac River nearly the mouth of Popes Creek, Westmoreland, Vriginia He was Christened on April 5, 1732 and named after George Eskridge, a lawyer in whose charge Georges mother had been left when she was an orphan
Washington was a half first cousin twice removed of President James Madison, a second cousin seven times removed of Queen Elizabeth of the UK, a third cousin twice removed of Confederate General Robert E.Lee, and an eighth cousin six times removed of Winston Churchill
Through his paternal grandmother, Mildred Wanner Washington, Washington descended from King Edward III of England His great grandfather John Washington sailed to America about 1656, intending to remain just long enough to take on a load of tobacco But shortly after pushing off the return trip, his boat sank Thus John remained in Virginia, where he met and married Anne Pope, the presidents greatgrandmother His father, Augustine Washington, was a planter who spent much of his time acquiring and overseeing some 10,000 acres of land and about 50 slaves in the Potomac region On March 6, 1732, he married Mary Ball, who gave birth to George Washington and 11 months later, his father died when George was 11 years old George was fatherless and orphaned at 12, however, Georges relationship with his mother was forever strained Animosity between mother and son persisted till her death from cancer in the first year of his presidency
George had two half brothers to live to maturity——Lawrence Washington and Augustine Washington, the former, 14 years his senior, imposed the single greatest influence on young George George looked upon him as a surrogate father and undoubtedly sought to emulate him Without their mothers adamant opposition, George might have started a career at sea by serving the British navy at the thought of his stepbrother Lawrence At 16, George moved with Lawrence at his fathers estate which he called Mount Vernon, where he honed his surveying skills and received a smaller part of the inheritance from his fathers great estate, while the largest share of the inheritance went to his half brother Lawrence
Mary Washington refused to send George to school in England, like her late husband had done for his older boys, but instead exposed him to the irregular education common in Virginia It is clear that what little education he received was closely supervised by his possessive mother, who was determined to keep her eldest son as close to her as possible By age 11, he had picked up basic reading, writing and math, which was his best subject The young George grew up enjoying hunting, fishing, and horseback riding He did not attend university, but this never affected his outlook or vision on his way of American Independence.